I’m offering legal services for all entities in the e-commerce sector, especially for entrepreneurs who sells goods or services off the distance or off the premises of its company
The scope of rendered legal services includes e.g.:
- Preparation of documentation neccessary for the proper functioning of the e-shop e.g. : preparation of regulations of online sales, general terms and conditions, contract for the purchase of goods or services off the distance or off the premises, regulations of the promotion),
- Preparation of the statements and clauses that need to be presented to the consumer who bought goods or services off the distance or off the premises e.g.: information about right to withdrawal, information about right to claim defects of the goods,
- Advising on complaints filed by consumers, in particular in case of submission of the statement concerning withdrawal from the concluded contract.
- Assistance in contacts with authorities (The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection)
- Assistance in contacts with contractors (service providers, subcontractors, suppliers of goods)
Every entrepreneur is obliged to conduct business operations in accordance with applicable laws. The scope of applicable laws varies for each entrepreneur according to the type of conducted business, distribution channel, type of offered goods and services. To conduct business in the e-commerce sector it is necessary to know Act on consumer rights, Act on provision of services by electronic means, civil code, Telecommunications law and many others.
In order to meet your need i’m offering comprehensive legal services so you could concentrate on developping your business rather than concentrate on monitoring changes in law.