I have many years of experience in banking law therefore I’m offering legal services to entrepreneurs operating in the financial sector, and those who wish to start conducting business as a credit intermediary or mortgage intermediary.
The scope of rendered legal services includes e.g.:
- Legal suport in establishing and registrating as a credit intermediary or mortgage intermediary
- Reviewing, drafing and negotiating agreements with consuments (B2C)
- Reviewing, drafing and negotiating brokerage agreements and contracts of agency (B2B)
- Assistance in contacts with authorities (Financial Supervising Authority, financial ombudsman, The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection)
- Advising on complaints filed by consumers,
- Legal support in claiming commision and compensation due to performed B2B contracts
My offer is addressed to all entities conducting business in the financial sector, particulary to start’ups introducing new financial solutions. Inventing and implementing new technology requires knowledge in many different areas of law which i’m providing to you.